Wednesday, August 15, 2007

ADDENDUM: Definitive List 2007

I just realized I made a terrible mistake. On my Definitive List for 2007. By some grievous lapse of judgment, I left off someone very special. So, in no particular order, I add:

Jack Black

Para mi, es el maximo.

You know those awkward 'getting to know you' games where a series of absurd questions are sprung at you from across a coffee table? And then you can't remember your top movies so you sit there thinking about how good girls wear pearls to push the vacuum cleaner and don't have strong opinions and salad, don't forget to order the salad?!

Well, when the question, "If you could spend a day with any celebrity..." comes up, I always have an answer. And it's Jack Black. I mean, I've watched my share of Make A Wish specials, and I've never seen anyone with such an indomitable spirit. You blow my mind Jack, whether you mean to or not.

And thank you, Tenacious D, for Classico, Explosivo, Inward Singing, and Master Exploder.

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