Friday, October 26, 2007

+ 2 Good Comment

I'm taking the GRE on Monday, which means I have three days to learn geometry. And decipher random analogies like the following:

(A) thaw : snowfall
(B) snow : icecap
(C) silt : river
(D) range : mountain
(E) foliage : tree

And look up sweet videos on YouTube. Like this one about a cat:

Here are some video comments.

Chaaa!!!My bone!


get away 4rm my bone beoch

hope that cat nails you f--kers in the face for messing with him
like that and filming it.

oww come on!
give that kitten some peace! :p

Shut the f--k up Fox250R. Oh and two words: F--k you.

When I saw this I thought of two things.

1) Power lesbians
2) That episode of Seinfeld where Jerry dates the lady with manhands.

Now back to calculating the area of quadrilaterals.

And the answer is (C).

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