Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Seriously, he just sawed off his foot.

Someone needs to replace this with "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _".

Live, from. . .the living room.
Daughter 2:
My writer friends are on strike, dad.

I know, just in time for November sweeps.

Daughter 2:
Wha--? What do you know about November sweeps? Dad you've gone Hollywood. The next thing I know you're going to show up with bleach blonde hair.

I'm hip.

Daughter 2:

Hip is a word we use in my circle.

Daughter 2:
Your circle sounds like a bunch of squares.


I'm not a Hollywood writer. But from what I've seen, writers are deserving, modest bunch. They're just out for fair compensation. And high-tech Nikes.
That's why I support the strike. And all Hollywood's writers. I mean, who else can make man-boy love funny? And write Coney's "actual items"? Or come up with that nasty-ass Grey's scene this Halloween where the guy sawed off his own f&*!ing foot?
And yet I'm still in the mood for pizza.

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