Does anyone else realize SNL's own Kristen Wigg is be-autiful? Not gorgeous, because that's overused. Like "fierce." And "tight." And "riiight." Seriously, if you're still saying the last one I want to smack you. The end.
UPDATE - 7/20 C/P the link below for the Suze Orman sketch that will let you fall in love again for the first time.
I too think Kristen Wigg is beautiul.
smart man.
Wigg more like Tigg.
Kristen and Amy are the only reasons I watch SNL much anymore
It's partly because she's funny. It's hard to find funny women.
Kristen is lovely. And crazy funny.
SNL had a great of the best ever.
Here's Kristen's looking badass:
Can you say Gilly?
she's got chops. and I agree with you, anonymous; she can hold that show together.
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