Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This Week in F!ck Effort

Just what America needs: A decrease in fridge-TV transit time.
Today was Oprah Winfrey's Favorite Things. You know, the show where she gives out thousands of dollars in new "it" products and grown women start crying over scented candles. And among this year's goodies was the most expensive in Favorite Things history, the new HDTV Refrigerator with Weather and Info Center from LG Electronics.

Before you ask, this favorite is a "...top-of-the-line, high-tech entertainment center with a LCD TV, DVD hookup, radio and slideshow option to display your favorite digital photos. With the press of a button, you can also access your five-day weather forecast and view more than 100 built-in recipes," and retails for $3799.

Now, let me say this. I'm not against spending money for things of value. I mean, to a certain extent you get what you pay for, and hopefully that's a sound, well-made product. But this is a new kind of excess. It's like excesssss, and call me old fashioned, but I like my Grey's and my Grey Poupon separate.
Look, we've market-researched the sh*t out of this. Sample after sample proves that this product fills a market niche.

Something tells me the target demographic for this latest LG masterpiece skews fat. But maybe I'm crazy. I mean, aside from the whole give-away-a-car thing, Oprah's never done anything too fantastic. And what do I know? Americans might skip right over the HDTV with adaptable DVD, radio, and slideshow and go straight for the five-day forecast. We might come out of this really on-top of approaching cold fronts and "feels like" temperatures. Every cloud...

The truth is I'm just worried someone will watch The Food Network and the earth will implode.

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